Monday, October 3, 2011

40 LED Bicycle Light using 555 timer circuits

This 555 timer circuits below is a flashing bicycle light powered with AA cells 6 volts, Two sets of 20 LEDs will alternately flash at approximately 4.7 cycles /s using RC values shown . Time intervals for  two lamps are about 107 milliseconds and 104 milliseconds, Two transistors are used to provide additional current beyond the 200 mA limit of the 555 timer, A single LED is placed in series with the base of the PNP transistor so that the lower 20 LED turn off when the 555 output goes high during T1 time interval, high output level of the 555 timer is 1.7v less than the supply voltage, Adding the LED increases the forward voltage required for the PNP transistor to about 2.7v so that the 1.7 volt difference from power supply to the output is insufficient to turn on the transistor.

fire alarm using 555 timer IC

fire alarm circuits are presented here,but this time a new circuit using a thermistor and a timer to do the trick The circuit is as simple, it can be easily implemented,  thermistor offers a low resistance at high temperature and high resistance at low temperature This phenomenon is employed here for sensing the fire.
read more about this 555 timer circuits project  fire alarm circuit with 555 timer IC

Make your own LED Flasher Circuit Using 555 Timer IC

This is a simple LED flasher 555 timer circuits project that uses a common 555 timer IC for its operation. It is configured as an astable mode which means that its output is a square wave oscillator Two LEDs are connected to its output in such a way that when one LED is ON, the other LED will turn OFF, It uses only 10 simple parts that are easily available, For make this 555 timer circuits you can read project page  Make your own LED Flasher Circuit Using 555 Timer IC

9second Timer with LED indication and Control Relay using 555 timer circuit

this electronic circuit provides a visual time 9second delay using 10 LED before control  closing a 12volt dc relay, reset switch has closed,use  IC 4017 decade counter will be reset to zero count which illuminates the LED driven from pin 3.for intruction about project follow this project page 9second Timer with LED indication and Control Relay using 555 timer circuit